Did you know that our mezcas are made with organic products?
Just like you, we are pro organic ingredients, the ones you'll find on our Mezcas.

To begin: how to recognize an organic product?
Pesticides tend to leave toxic traces that are harmful to health.
An organic product does not use pesticides, preservatives, antibiotics or chemical fertilisers.
Ready to delve deeper into organic living?
Four reasons why we should always prefer organic products
Because they are more nutritious and their consumption has been proven to be beneficial to our health.
Because organic practices help combat climate change:
Organic farming uses less energy than conventional farming.
Because consuming organic products means consuming unique products (in terms of quality, colour, taste...).
Because every time you consume organic products, you are part of a production and trade chain that is more responsible and ethical towards people and the environment, and you are working with our local producers (Mexico is the fourth largest producer of organic products in Latin America).
In our online shop you will find all our mezcas, with the best prices and direct delivery to your door.
We have deliveries all over the Republic!
You can visit us here
To make your organic experience complete, in this list of Tianguis and Organic Markets in Mexico you can find the one that is closest to you.